Children enter Kindergarten with a strong pre-school foundation. In kindergarten through fourth grade, the focus in Judaic studies is reading with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. About mid-year in first grade, the students receive their siddurim (prayer books) at a very memorable evening. Each first-grade student chooses an individual whom they would like to present them with their siddur. This specially chosen individual is given the opportunity to share their feelings about this momentous occasion. First grade begins their study of Chumash through a preparatory curriculum. The children’s Chumash skills are strengthened from year to year. The goal is to provide them with the tools needed to learn a verse of Chumash on their own.
The scope and sequence of the Jewish holidays provides the children with new and additional information each year of their elementary school experience. They learn about the holidays through various means to bring the meaning and lessons of the Yom Tovim to life. Throughout the elementary experience, our students focus on various mitzvos such as; acts of kindness, the beauty of Shabbos and its meaning, visiting the sick, giving charity and many others; all incorporated into their daily lessons. Additionally, there is a yearly school-wide program that focuses on a particular midah, character trait, or theme which is presented through Student Council and then emphasized both through Student Council activities and individual class activities.
Secular studies emphasize English language arts and mathematics. The k-4 ELA curriculum, Open Court, is comprehensive and provides a systematic and research-based program that encourages student participation and achievement in reading, writing, and language arts. Our math curriculum is Math Expressions. Math Expressions is a proven K-4 curriculum that helps children make sense of math by exploring, discussing, and demonstrating their understanding of key concepts. Students learn how to explore and choose their path that allows them to formulate their own answers. Science and social studies are integrated into the curriculum through hands-on thematic units which compliment ELA and math. During the school day, students also participate in art, computer, and physical education classes.