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Setting the Standard for Excellence in Education.


RDS gave our children the knowledge and understanding of our fabulous Jewish heritage in a way we knew we couldn't, since we didn't have a day school education as kids. Plus we made great friends along the way! 

---Chana Kramer

As I’ve stated to others:  They say it takes a village to raise a child.  Rambam is an integral part of my village. 

--- Amy  Heddendorf Steinert

Prior to enrolling Max in first grade, we checked; Rambam’s secular curriculum meets or exceeds the other private schools in Savannah. In the Judaic curriculum, the students not only learn their rich heritage but also develop critical thinking skills which will carry them far in life’s endeavors. Every Jewish family in Savannah- without exception- should be knocking on the door and saying “please, enroll my child.”

---Brian & Stacy Krapf

Matt sent us this picture during first semester of graduate school at VCU. He had done a good job and this was his “way to go” moment. Funny, he compared it to RDS, with very fond memories. Made us so proud!!

---Susan Klugman


As the parent of a Rambam student, I am amazed at how facile my child is becoming - at building strong relationships, at developing and strengthening her character and self-confidence, and at her fluency in understanding Hebrew. 

Rambam has, through developing my child, helped develop me - into a better person and a better Jew. It warms my heart to see her develop light years ahead of children at other local schools, both academically, socially and spiritually, and through this, I have the impetus to do better myself- whether in renewing old friendships, having more self-confidence, or studying more Torah. 

Baruch HaShem for Rambam!!!

---Gary Lee


Around this time last year, my husband and I started thinking about where we would send our oldest (Adam) for PreK and our youngest (Danny) for daycare. Adam had been in a preschool setting since he was 15 months old but I had begun to wonder if we had gotten all we were going to get out of that environment. Adam’s teachers always told us he was smart and a quick learner but they worried about his social developments as he always played alone and didn’t interact much with others. After speaking we a friend, she suggested I check out Rambam and put me in contact with Esther. My husband and I made an appointment to tour the school and from the moment we set foot on the campus, we knew this would be the place for us. Esther instantly made us feel welcome and comfortable as a family. We loved seeing the warm and nurturing environment the kids were learning in and how happy the children were. Once we got word that a daycare option was in the works for the younger kids, we were on board to sign up both boys. 

From the beginning, everyone has made us feel warm and welcomed in the Rambam family. The boys’ teachers are so loving and caring with them and will constantly keep us updated with their progress. At the beginning of the school year, I spoke with Adam’s lead teacher to give her a heads up on what to expect in terms of his social skills. While we had never noticed anything out of the ordinary with Adam’s social development, I felt she needed to be aware of what had been said at his last preschool. Within a few weeks, Adam had a total turn around in his character. Not only was he learning new things but he was also interacting and making friends. He loves to come home at the end of the day and tell us all about who he played with that day. It’s been fantastic to see how truly comfortable he is at his new school. 

With Danny being only 14 months old, this was his first experience ever in a daycare setting. Naturally, it’s a bit scary at first  but his teachers have been so wonderful in their care of him. He too is learning new things every day (currently he loves counting to 5 and pointing out his ears and mouth) and is always happy to walk into school in the mornings. In short, we could not have asked for a better experience for our boys. Much thanks to everyone who takes such great care of our children. We are excited to have found a wonderful school and, more importantly, a wonderful sense of community. We look forward to many more years here at Rambam. 

---Victoria Bartelt


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